
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Lake Laberge-Carmacks


The Yukon River carries a lot of water this year. Along the river there were many floods. Our engines (20 & 25 hp) are hardly able to cope with the current. A return trip with the catamarans against the current is not possible, we have to change our plan....

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Finally we can go on !

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Our very first " true" camp at Lake Laberge 


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  A very beautiful bay in which I already set up my camp in 2011 !  


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  From a small elevation you can oversee parts of the lake.


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 This is great fun....


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The navigation system works perfectly !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Cat steers a bit sluggishly... But we will get used to it

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We were very lucky, the lake was at times like a mirror...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 It couldn't get better...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 In the evening there was a violent thunderstorm in a bay !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  But that didn't bother us ... 


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  In spite of sun cream, I get a sunburn again....

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Arrived at the end of Lake Laberge, the old truck is still there....

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We are very satisfied with the cats ! 


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  Lutz provided some fresh fish !

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  Excellent, Lutz with toilet paper and shovel...lol....


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The old Woodcamp is decaying more and more, but what really annoys me is that some stupid Tourists use the remains as firewood, how stupid is that ? 

Thats why I always say:

Be a Traveler Not a Tourist !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Arrived in Hootalinqua

Sigi & Lutz have provided fresh fish again !

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 A bear has marked his territory, we are in the bush...

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier


Arrived at the wreck of Norcom (Evelin) !
Since the water is extremely high we had to moor in the bushes, Lutz fell into the water and almost got under the catamaran...


He was very lucky not to drown, thats how quick things can get out of hand in the bush !

That's why I'm always p..... off when people don't listen to what I say! Beginners are very quickly arrogant in the bush because everything looks so easy...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  We continue to Big Salmon

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 In one of the cabins some river travellers had their drink... lol...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Arrived at Cyr's Dredge

Here, too more and more is falling apart which is really a pity...

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  My new Garmin GPS with the touchscreen is really awesome ! 

I had thought the touch screen was a gimmick, but I quickly noticed that the handling is so much faster !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

The Steca solar charger is really in a class of its own! With it I am always informed about the condition of my solar system !

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  At Little Salmon we visited the First Nation cemetery there.


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Eagle Nest's Bluff

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 I always wanted to climb up there, but never did...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

  Our last camp before Carmacks

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 That night there was a violent thunderstorm !  


Continue with: Carmacks - Fort Selkirk



Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...