
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Camsell Portage

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 On the way to Camsell Portage we had big waves, but finally the Lake calm down...


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Thats the way I like Lake Athabasca... 


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 ORCA at Camsell Portage, population "8"... 

There are places were people have lived that are among the last and best spots on Earth, places that speak of remoteness, peace and calm. Camsell Portage is just such a community.

Though it is not located at the end of the earth, Camsell is so far removed from the hustle and bustle of the contemporary rat race that one would be hard put to find a more serene and tranquil community. 

The community of Camsell Portage is located on the north shore of Lake Athabasca in northern Saskatchewan. The settlement is a predominantly Dene community of approximately 8 people where the majority of residents still practice a traditional way of life, living off the land by way of fish, game and fur. 

Though it may be hard for some to understand ( But not for me !!!) the community's reason for being, those who were born and have lived there, can list the good reasons for its continued renewal other than the edible resources of nature. The Boreal forest, the freshest water, Northern air and a land unsurpassed in its beauty. 


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 We visited the school and brought our ZEISS microscope with us. The kids had a great time with it... 


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

Filming in the school


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 Jennifer Powder and the teacher Jim Churchward on the microscope


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 Damon Buckley was gathering ALL the insects he could find... 


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 Jim and I talking about filming and the life in Camsell Portage. 

To bad they will close the school this year, because Jennifer & Damon are the last kids in town... 


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 Thank you very much for the nice afternoon Jennifer & Damon & Jim !


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 Claire Larocque and her husband Dennis are the owner of Camsell Portage Eagle Lodge. If you want the really big FISH, thats the place to go...


CamsellPortage Eagle  Lodge, 

Dennis & Claire Larocque,  

Camsell Portage, Saskatchewan, 

Canada S0J2W0  




Thanks Claire for your great nothern hospetality !

And thanks a lot for the great food...  

Continue with:  Uranium City

Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...