
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

On the way to the Athabasca Sand Dunes


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

 Fond Du Lac 

is a settlement located in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Situated on the east side of Lake Athabasca it is a remote fly-in community. The current population is less than 700 inhabitants, mainly of Dene and Métis descent.
Founded as a community over 150 years ago, by native peoples in pursuit of furs, fishing, hunting and trapping the community has seen little changes. Many in the community can trace their ancestral roots of the area to the early 19th century. "Living off the land" is still a way of life in Fond-du-lac.
The main enterprise today in Fond-du-lac is working in the mineral and other resource extraction business. Others follow a tradition of fishing, hunting, and trapping. 


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

© Copyright by Ch. Breier 2007

  Nice Church !


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

ORCA at Fond Du Lac

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

Hunting Cabin on the little island  

 We had bad luck with the weather after Fond Du Lac. As soon as we are the Lake we run into very, very big waves. In our GPS Map we found a little cove, but to get there we had to shoot through some reefs... 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 ORCA in the little cove. We where very, very lucky! Without finding this cove, I bet ORCA would sunk in this very bad waves, we had to take them from the side, that was NO FUN at all... 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Safe harbor...


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 One of the many reefs at Lake Athabasca....


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We had to drive in the night to meet up with the German camera crew in Fort Chip... 

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Lake is mostly calm over night, but the navigation is very difficult, because we don't have a radar an board ORCA. But that will change, we will get an ICOM Radar in Yellowknife...


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The first time we used our electric bear fence... 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 I really like the Hellsport Tipi Tent, it is easy to set up and it has a lot of space inside... 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

Nice beach...

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

 Coffee in the morning... 

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

 Live is Good ! 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier    Macro in HDV Yih

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Macro in HDV  


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Yup, it's me fishing for pike. We got some real nice ones... 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 As always, filming first !

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

 Filming at the Athabasca Sand Dunes


© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

 An unreal place...


© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright Ch. Breier

 Could be on the Mars too....


 Next: Wood Buffalo Park

Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...