
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

 40 Mile - Eagle

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 It was very interesting to see why there is so much turbulence and vortex on the Yukon.  

The 3D Fishfinder is not as good as the advertisement promised, but it is much better than a "normal" one! You can see very well that there are many rocks that catapult the water to the surface and so the many turbulences in the Yukon arise !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Old Man & Old Woman Rock  


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Old Man Rock  


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Old Woman Rock Funny is that I first noticed the Moos with calf standing in the middle of the picture at the bottom while sorting out the pictures !  

I didn't notice that at all while taking the pictures....


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

The landscape is simply magnificent !  

It is very difficult to show it in pictures...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 One of the many fish camps along the Yukon. Unfortunately they were all not occupied this year because the Salmonrun is very bad and the authorities have reduced the fishing times extremely !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 For me the section from Dawson to Circle belongs to the most scenic of the Yukon River !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Finally there are islands again on which one can camp !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 On such journeys one is always hungry!

Shortly before the border to Alaska

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Eagle's coming into sight!


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Our catamarans at Eagle


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Der Store mit Laundromat


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Directly next to the store is a telephone which connects you directly to the customs in Anchorage. 
In Eagle itself there is no customs officer anymore.... 


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 After the bad flood of 2009, which destroyed much of Eagle, it's nice to see that something new is being built !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The weather's getting worse.

Never mind, we had nice weather enough on this trip !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Last view on Eagle, further it goes in the direction of Circle

 Continue with: Eagle - Slaven Cabin


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