
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !


       Start in Fort Mc Murray


We are still in Fort Mc Murray and will be at least for the next week,
because Dan has to bring the Truck and the trailer to Hay River on the Great Slave Lake ...

There is still a lot of ice floating down the Athabasca River...

We talked to some very knowledgable Locals and they warned us to start in Fort Mc Murray.
EVERYBODY was telling us the same, start in Fort Mc Kay, 50 Miles down the River.

So that we will do now. One local brought us a bunch of old river maps on the Athabasca River

There are lot's of Rocks in the River from Mc Murray to Mc Kay, after that there will be still a lot Rocks but not as much as of the first stretch to Mc Kay.

In the next 2 days I will go through all the equipment again and repack the boat and organize it better 


(c) by Ch.Breier2007

(c) by Ch.Breier2007

 Ice on the Athabasca River at Mc Kay  


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

We did some nice filming...    





© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We were lucky, it is pretty hard to get a good campspot for 30$ in Murray. Most of the Campgrounds are full and Hotels start at 120$ a night.... 



It is cold today,at noon it started to rain. Nothing with filming today. So what, we did some very nice filming yesterday in Fort Mc Murray.... 





© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Fort Mc Murray is a pretty big place...

Absolutly BOOM TOWN, there are big bucks in this City....  

Fort McMurray is located in the northeastern region of Alberta, approximately 450 km (280 mi) from Edmonton. The Oil Sands have lead to a huge population boom in Fort McMurray.Due to its northern location, Fort McMurray sees a lot of snow, making for a fun winter getaway.In the summer, visitors can enjoy a round of golf or spend the day boating and fishing on one of the nearby lakes or rivers. 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 I really wanted to know what the Tar Sand is all about...We where very lucky to meet Ron, he was our guide to the oil fields...  

Thank you so much for your hospitality Ron !


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Big equipment...  


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Made in Germany by KRUPP.... 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Ron told us one of those tires cost a fortune...

I know now that the oil company's spend MILLIONS to recover the land !

Sure there is an impact on the land,sure it isn't nice, but hey, we all use gas and as long we do that, that is the price we all have to pay ! 

What bugs me most is they could do it much much more environmentally friendly without all the pollution....
It is really a shame, the area up there is so beautiful, especially the lake Athabasca ! But deformed Oilsands Fish appearing in the Lake now...
The Tar Sand Oil Extraction has devastating effects on the People and the Environment along the rivers and lakes up there !

Man,why are we as humans are so stupid ?

We did some great filming in the fields there thanks to Ron.

 Continue with: Athabaska River

Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...