
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Delta Junktion  - Fairbanks 

The night at GreenAcres Campground in Delta Junction was a horror.
It was blowing fine sand from the river right into the campground the whole time. All my equipment was covered in fine powdery sand. It really stormed that night and the sand even got into the tent. Great, great campsite....
I met a nice couple from Alaska at the campground.
The drive was great, lots of views of the mountains, such as the 4160m high Mount Hayes, but also some steep climbs. I was lucky and managed to photograph two moose.
Shortly before the end of my day, I met a German motorcyclist who had ridden a Honda Transalb from Halifax to Alaska and was on his way to South America. Really nice guy, we had a long chat. Take a look at his website www.fernweh-touren.de.
The couple from the campground also came by and brought me a bottle of water, that's really nice!
I was able to stay overnight with Shellie Mathews, I know her from CouchSurfing on the internet. Great house with a great view. Really super nice woman!
I cycled 41.5 km today in 4:06:24 h pure cycling time.

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Shortly after Delta Junction, the Alaska Pipeline crosses the Tanana River.


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It is now guarded day and night by a security service!


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There is a lot of oil flowing here...


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The Tanana River with mountain scenery


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Why some stupid people (including Germans) have to scribble their names on rocks remains a mystery to me ...


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Quite emaciated, probably had a hard winter...


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There are always old huts to be seen.


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Gravel sections are always very, very dusty for me!


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

   Mt. Hays, unfortunately wrapped in clouds again.


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

There are plenty of aromatic flowers and, unlike in a car, you can smell them on a recumbent bike!


Ingo Tiegs on his way from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego ! Take a look at his Website !


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Shellie Mathews, Tenderfoot Pottery, thanks for your northern hospitality !!! 


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The cabin is very cozy...

It rained last night. The house dog kept me safe all night, always sleeping close to me, and immediately barking when he heard any animal!
Shellie Mathews invited me for coffee and prepared breakfast for us. It was delicious! Thank you so much! Thank you so much for your northern hospitality, Shellie!
I started at about 12:30pm. There were a few climbs, saw a moose, the weather is not great, there were a few drops now and then and the clouds got darker and darker.
The mosquitoes are getting quite unpleasant, especially when I ride up the climbs slowly!
I met another couple from Kenai/Alaska, Molly & Chris Palm, Chris is a pilot. They are also on their bikes for the first time. They also only manage 100 km a day. So I'm not doing too badly with my trike...
I set up my camp next to the road. There's no point in continuing because it could start raining at any moment and the wind is getting stronger. So that's it for today.
Only data from the GPS today, because the Sigma ROX computer just stopped recording in between....
I cycled 25.6 km today in 3:01:37 h pure riding time.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Molly & Chris Palm from Kenai / Alaska 


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

From now until Fairbanks, almost every lake is occupied by cottages...


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Another (noisy) camp next to the road....

The night was quiet, finally fewer trucks! The first few hours in the morning, I hardly had any strength in my legs. I stopped at a rest stop and tucked into a monster hamburger. Man, that was good...
I met another couple from Fairbanks at the rest stop, again very nice people!
It really seems to be my diet that I sometimes run out of energy because after the hamburger I felt much better...
I cycled to the North Pole, yes the town really is called that!
However, they didn't want me there on their fine RV campground, although they had enough space, just for motorhomes...
I was pissed off, because now I had to drive all the way to Fairbanks!
When I arrived in Fairbanks, I first went into town, but the Tourist Info Center was already closed!
Off to the campground, tent pitched and off to the showers, but no more cash, just my Master Card. So no showers today...
Really not my day....
I cycled 100.51 km today in 7:38:39 hours of pure riding time.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Beautiful views of the Tanana again and again.


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

All my equipment works very well!
PIROL TRIKE is the best!
Contrary to the chatter from the various German recumbent forums, who have always put the trike down! I can tell you, the people in the forums are nothing but babbling fools !


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

There are always small lakes right next to the road.


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There are always warnings about falling rocks on such sections....


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

A roadhouse with wooden sculptures


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Good thing the mosquitoes aren't that big in reality....


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

We passed the Eielson Air Force Base. The jets took off right next to me, unfortunately it was forbidden to take photos, even to stop...



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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

North Pole Alaska really exists
And this is pretty much the most unfriendly town for cyclists in Alaska!


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Arrived in Fairbanks, Alaska !


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Downtown Fairbanks
If I ever move to Alaska, Fairbanks would be my first choice!
Not too big and not too small, super cool people, in short PERFECT !

© Copyright by Ch. Breier © Copyright by Ch. Breier


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