
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Beaver Creek / Yukon - Tok / Alaska


I set off today at 10:43 towards the border. It was drizzling all day, with occasional heavy showers.
The landscape changed, it became rougher. Just before the border station, there was a sign saying Welcome to Alaska, and of course I wanted to take a photo with the trike in front of it.
I drove the trike in front of the sign and plop, I fell onto my side with the trike, the incline of the driveway was a bit too much...
Then came a steep climb up to the border station. The customs officers were really nice, the whole thing went quite quickly. They warned me that there were two long climbs ahead of me and I drove about 4 km to a rest stop where I drank two coffees and ate some chocolate bars. Outside, it was pouring with rain...
When the rain let up a bit I continued and promptly came the first long climb. I took it in my stride at around 5 km/h. The landscape somehow became much more open and rugged. That's how I know my Alaska, actually the border is just an imaginary line, but you can still recognize Alaska or the Yukon by its typical vegetation.
We passed the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge.
There were repeated rain showers, and a few hours and climbs later I set up camp on a side path, just soon enough because the heavens opened and it poured with rain...

I cycled 54.82 km today in 5:39 pure riding time.
My top speed today was 54.82 km/h (downhill, of course!)
The steepest gradient was 10%
My heart rate was max 157 bpm...
Min temp was 12 degrees and max was 18 degrees
My average speed was 9.13 km/h
Highest altitude was 721 meters
Break time was 2:48:33 h
Total ride time with breaks was about 8:10 hours


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The border of Canada, now it goes into the no man's land between Canada and Alaska.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

A trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) breeds on a beaver dam in no man's land.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

I met a cyclist in Haines Junction who broke his luggage rack on this route...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Washboard track, the Pirol Trike also mastered this track with its suspension!  It is simply MADE IN GERMANY... ;)

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

My face is still burnt and even my nose is now swollen...


© Copyright by Ch. Breier © Copyright by Ch. Breier


Arrived in Alaska!


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The Alaskan border.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Once again, I'm driving right into the rain...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

I was only just able to set up camp before it started pouring with rain.  

It rained all night. Even this morning, there were repeated showers.
Everything is wet, there's really no point in continuing. So another rest day. According to the weather forecast, it's supposed to get better tomorrow...
In the afternoon, a couple from Austria, Philipp and Valeska, arrived at bikes.
We talked for a few hours, they actually wanted to continue, but somehow we kept getting stuck...
So they decided to camp with me today. They are super nice and are on a world tour that has been going on for a few years. They are now traveling from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
In the evening they cooked us a nice pasta dish and tea.
Thanks again for the lovely time and the meal with you !!!!



Philipp and Valeska, take a look at their website!

This morning Philipp & Valeska drove on, Valeska gave me a ready-mixed muesli as a present, really super nice!
Somehow it wasn't going well today, my legs were as heavy as lead and I had no energy at all. I was literally crawling up the climbs. It was anything but fun...
But the landscape was great, with views of the mountains and lots of small lakes.
Unfortunately, the little store there was already closed, what a shame, a coffee would have been great...
I pitched my tent opposite the shop/gas station on a patch of grass, I was just too exhausted to drive another meter!
At around 4:00 a.m. I somehow had the feeling that someone was watching me, I looked out of the tent and there was actually an Indian woman sitting in the tent entrance and looking at me.
Then she asked if I had any alcohol, I said no and explained to her that I was on my bike and that alcohol and cycling don't mix. She said ok, then I'll take a look. Got up and walked away...
Well, I always thought that nobody could approach my tent unnoticed, that was probably a fallacy....

My top speed today was 45.36km/h (downhill, of course!)
Highest gradient was 9%
My heart rate was max 144 bpm...
Min temp was 16 degrees and max was 29 degrees
My average speed was 6.28 km/h
Highest altitude was 670 m
Break time was 1:53:33 h
Total ride time with breaks was about 9:00 hours
Calorie consumption 3152 kcal 

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Always beautiful views.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Not everyone has weathered the winter well...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yay, the sun is back again!


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Every break is embellished with such views!


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Entire hilltops are cleared for the roads

 31.05 2009
When I wanted to prepare my protein drink, I realized that the solar blender was gone.
I searched through all the equipment without success. I had needed it last night.
Well, then the good lady must have plugged it in, it looked like an MP3 player or something similar because of the solar cell.
Too bad, now there are only protein drinks with lumps! Hopefully the lady can at least use the blender...
I started at 10:42 after having a coffee in the store and buying some chocolate bars and a small tin of canned meat, they weren't very nice in the store either.
Of course, we went up one climb after another, nothing new, it's a daily routine...
The views of the landscape were absolutely superb, open spaces with lakes and the mountains behind them.

Suddenly I saw a bear in front of me. It was right on my side, I wanted to drive on at first, but then I thought I wouldn't get a picture again, so I plucked up all my courage and stopped, opened my suitcase and took out my camera and click, photo in the box.
The bear looked up at me from time to time, but then continued to eat the carcass. I watched him for a while, but when the bear got more nervous, I decided to drive on.....
After 40 km I was out of breath, I stopped and distorted the chocolate bars
(4 pieces) and the tinned meat, then I felt better and rode on to Tetlin Junction. That was 61.06 km today with a pure riding time of 6:40 hours.

My top speed today was 52.28km/h (downhill, of course!)
Highest gradient was 9%
My heart rate was max 160 bpm...
Min temp was 17 degrees and max was 31 degrees (in the sun)
My average speed was 8,83km/h
Highest altitude was 647 meters
Break time was 2:24:50 h
Total riding time with breaks was approx. 9:00 hours
Calorie consumption 3415 kcal


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

A grizzly having a meal!


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Too bad I only had my 80mm lens on the camera...

I started in the morning in the direction of Tok. Finally, it went downhill and then always straight ahead!
There were a few roadworks but no gravel...
When I arrived in Tok, I first had a hamburger. Then I went in search of a campground with Wi-Fi, the first park wanted $29 for a tent!!!!
Off to the Visitor Center and asked there. They told me about the Tundra Lodge & RV Park, where it was "only $20" including showers and Wi-Fi. Super nice people there. My recommendation in Tok!
I took a shower and washed my clothes, what a treat...
Now I've been sitting at the computer for hours updating the website, but the connection is very slow, and it takes ages......
Today I cycled 24.29 km in 1:42 h pure riding time

My top speed today was 35.79 km/h (downhill, of course!)
Highest gradient was 9%
My heart rate was max 157 bpm...
Min temp was 21 degrees and max was 31 degrees (in the sun)
My average speed was 14.18 km/h
Highest altitude was 534 m
Break time was 00:57:04 h
Total riding time with breaks was approx. 2:42 hours
Calorie consumption 1027 kcal


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Endless roads...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

          All that's left of Tetlin Junction...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

My camp site in Tetlin Junction.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

It's finally getting flatter...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Arrived in Tok / Alaska. The Tundra Lodge & RV Park is the best deal in Tok!

Continue with:

Tok - Delta Junction

Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!
Expedition in the USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...