
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Dawson City - 40 Mile

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Shortly behind Dawson City there are wrecks of some paddle steamers


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The First Nation Town Mooshide


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 First camp after Dawson City


At the camp I had a big disagreement with Siggi's wife. She didn't like me from the beginning and took every opportunity to show it!

Excuse me, but I am not your servant. Do not speak to me in that tone Lady ...
That's how it is sometimes with beginners, everything goes well and everything is so easy, of course because someone is watching in the background...

But some people just never get it ....



From then on, the journey was over for me. I had no more desire to listen to the whims and caprices of the lady...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 An moose cow with two calves


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 A black bear who was more afraid of us than we were of him... lol...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Magnificent landscape...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The water of the 40 Mile River meets the Yukon River


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We're going up the 40 Mile.


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 After approx. 5 km the journey was over, it became too shallow!


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Lutz tried in vain to catch a fish...

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Loui has a good laugh, because he was the only one who caught a fish...

It was so refreshing to have him on the tour !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Pike and rice


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Not much left of the pike...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 In the evening smoke came up, it was burning again ...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 But the next morning everything was clear again, the rain seems to have extinguished the bush fires!


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The old General Store


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Very nice from the inside, Louis also likes that...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Finally the few remaining cabins are saved from decay !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Farewell to 40 Mile, we will continue in the direction to Eagle Alaska.

Without Loui I would have stopped the expedition right here in 40 Mile because the rest of the crew did not listen at all to my instructions.

The accident later on confirmed my intuition!

 Continue with:40 Mile- Eagle 


Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...