
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

     Great Slave Lake 2


Spiritual Gathering Place "  The Lady of the Falls "


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

The Spiritual Gathering Place of the Lady of the Falls near old fort reliance 

This region - this land of littlesticks - is considered to be a very special area of both historical & spiritual significance to the Chipeweyan Dene'.Truly the native elders of the Chipeweyan Dene' are the last great knowledge-holders of the remaining extensive tracts of Canadian mainland wilderness called the barrenlands. The Europeans who once attempted to lay claim to its discovery were in reality just simply just 'passing through', and probably could not have done even that without the help of the natives that had always lived here - those who were in tune with the rhythms of the land, waters & animals - indeed, those people whose very lives - and the lives of their children - depended on their knowledge to survive in the wild...   

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 ORCA on the beach at the gathering place 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier


 We where lucky, the weather was really nice

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We met two paddlers at the gathering place 

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Vincent Cochim from France, he is on a 8 year Expedition in the arctic

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

      Rudi Östereicher a fellow german, an very active traveller in the north...


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Big Planes where bringin in people and equipment to the gathering 


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 ORCA in the Bay, the weather is changing, it is getting cold...


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Elders are very active in the Camp

 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Now that is a nice camp...


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

We where very fortunate to get the permission to film the fire ceremony !


© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Drummers  

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

Rain is comming


 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

© 2007 Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Building a Tipi  

During the last few days , we have received a special and rarely-granted invitation to join the Dene' people on their annual Spiritual Gathering on the extreme east end of Great Slave Lake, very near to the historical site of Old Fort Reliance. Here we join the tribe as they conduct ceremonial dances, meetings, nightly gatherings and storytelling...

I will never forget that Experience !


Next: Great Slave Lake 3

Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...