
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !


One day you'll wake up, and you won't have time to do the things you've always wanted to do.


Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. 

And to all those who think:

“I can still do all that when I retire!”
I tell them: Wrong, you won't be able to do that in your old age. Speaking from my own experience.



Alaska on the Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier Alaska on the Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

If there's one thing I regret, it's that I started to travel too late in life!

"If you’re twenty, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.”

- Anthony Bourdain



All trips cancelled until further notice !

I get many requests from people who want me to be their guide on an expedition to Alaska or the Yukon.

Alaska © Copyright by Ch. Breier Alaska © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Thanks for your trust, but I won't be able to travel for the next few years due to my mother's and my brother's health problems...

Family comes first !

Travelling will have to wait, I only have my mother and brother left...

My brother's health is getting worse and worse

and it is not only very difficult for me to care for him properly, but it is also very stressful and starting to eat away at me. 

And of course, I still have to take care of my 89-year-old motherDementia has now struck her too…

Luckily I have hobbies like amateur radio, microscopy, and astronomy to keep me busy while I look after them, as going out at night or just for a few hours is out of the question!

I can tell you: 

An expedition, no matter how difficult it may be, is easier to accomplish than taking good care of your seriously ill loved ones…


I miss traveling a lot, 

Alaska & Yukon © Copyright by Ch. Breier Alaska & Yukon © Copyright by Ch. Breier

and I get frustrated from time to time,

but I am also glad that my mom and my brother are still around, because for that, any hardship is okay…

What really gets me is the social pressure and lack of understanding from people here in Germany. It is so different from what I am used to from Alaska or the north of Canada. Instead of getting help or at least understanding, people put obstacles in your way whenever they can and contempt is never far away …

Seeing how cold people treat each other here is really frustrating…



Today I received a package with spare parts from Velove for my Armadillo, great!
Many thanks Dennis & John




my Armadillo Bike has arrived!

The bad news is, that I can't drive it because it's in need of a complete overhaul...



Hello to my new 


the Velove Armadillo e-Cargobike!

I was very lucky to get one. Thanks so much to Dennis Kanter/Velove Sweden, for all his help, I appreciate it very much!

“Burn fat, not fuel”!




In the last weeks, I had a lot of time to work on my website. Working on it was a good distraction from the hole situation, because everything is not so easy…
My brother's health is deteriorating, I had to keep an eye on him at home almost all the time…
Our government has money for every damn thing, even for the wars in other countries, but for its own people it has nothing left. There are savings everywhere. Especially with the weak, because they have no lobby.


Our health system is not what it used to be !
It is more about profit than about the people.
People are only used to optimize their profit…

It is only our family doctor who is a real blessing, he does everything in his power to help my brother and to make his life a little better!

A big thank you, Dr. Mikolajewski.

Movie Project

© Copyright by Ch. Breier © Copyright by Ch. Breier

The 3-part HD documentary about my 2007 expedition was broadcast in 2008-2010-2011-2012-2013 and 2015.

ARTE / WDR 2008

Directed by: 

Ralf Breier


Chris Breier & Klaus Sturm 

Underwater-Camera: Chris Breier


© Copyright by Ch. Breier


The more I learned about people, the more I like my dog.

I have studied the traits and dispositions of the “lower animals” (so called) and contrasted them with the traits and dispositions of man.

I find the result humiliating…

— Mark Twainvery well said, and I totally agree ! 

© Copyright by Ch. Breier © Copyright by Ch. Breier

My dog Trixi is the best travel companion!

Continue with:


Only those who risk going too far will discover how far they can go!
Expeditions by kayak, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, bicycle in the USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia…