
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Whitehorse - Haines Junction        



I started at 12:00 noon in Whitehorse. The weather was good, lots of sun.
I cycled 57.39 km in 5 hours and 43 minutes. It was a constant up and down. I was very slow on the mountain with the trike and all the luggage.
I couldn't have ridden more than 57 km today, I was absolutely exhausted ...
I had already wondered about the trike reports from some people who had ridden in the Yukon and Alaska, because some of them only stated 25 km as the minimum distance and "only" up to 70 km as the maximum distance.
Well, now I know why. Trikes are a real nuisance on the mountain. But they are very fast downhill.
My top speed today was 49.65 km.  (downhill ...)
The landscape was quite monotonous, possibly also because I'm too spoiled ...
On the whole, I enjoyed the ride today, even if it was very strenuous.
             I think it will get better with time ...
So, it's now 23:07, and I'm going to get some sleep!

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

  Finally, it's time to leave Whitehorse


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

    Take a break at a viewpoint.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

   The journey is a constant up and down...



Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

    The sun is extremely strong, my face is already starting to burn...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

   Small lakes along the way...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The constant inclines are really getting to me...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

  Beautiful views of the mountains.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier



Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

  My first camp, not so nice, but I was more than happy when I lay in my sleeping bag...



The night was quiet, except for a small disturbance at 4:00 am. A herd of animals came by, but I was too tired to see what it was...
I started today at 11:00 am and cycled 61.19 km. A total of 9.38 hours. The first two hours were ok, but then there was one climb after the other. On the long climbs, I only made progress at about 4-5 km/h.
What a slog! It went on like this all day, one climb followed the next. The descents were barely noticeable, but I still had to keep pedaling with all my might. I only picked up speed on two descents ...
More than a maximum of 70 km is not possible with the trike and my luggage. I just hope that the climbs in Alaska are not like here in the Yukon and above all not so numerous...
The landscape was, with a few small exceptions, quite monotonous. Wide roads and bare areas to the right and left. Occasional views of the mountains. Haven't seen any animals yet.
I'm absolutely exhausted today, I have no energy left, I'm completely drained. I just hope it gets better with time....
Not only that, but I set up camp at Cracker Creek around 21:00.
My top speed today was 45.65 km/h (downhill...)


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

   The sun is relentless...  


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

A small lake right on the road


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

     The mountains are getting closer.   


My second camp. During the night, a car honked and when I came out of the tent, there were two elderly ladies who told me that a grizzly had just crossed the road and was now on my side. Great, not much chance of sleeping then...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier


The night was restless, but the grizzly didn't come near my tent. It was nice that there was a river right next to my camp, because my water consumption is enormous, around some 8-10 liters a day just for drinking! Good thing I have my Katadyn water filter with me....   



But the night was quiet, apart from the noisy trucks...
I started around 11:00 and cycled 46.96 km in 4.54 hours. Thanks to my Katadyn water filter, I had enough water with me again! It was a constant up and down again. On a straight stretch, a coyote ran alongside me at a distance of 10 meters for almost half an hour. Whenever I tried to stop to get my camera out of the case, it disappeared into the bush. After about 30 minutes, I gave it a try. The coyote was so curious that he came out of the bush again, and I was able to take some photos. I wish I had a bigger telephoto with me...
Up to Haines Junction, it was all up and down again. And that in this heat...
When I arrived in Haines Junction, I drove to the local German bakery/café and ordered a soup with rolls and a cold Sprite. At the bakery, I also met a German photographer and two Austrians who wanted to climb Mt.
Then we went to a campground. It was very expensive, almost $20 with a shower, but the view of the mountains from my tent was absolutely fantastic! I worked on updating the website until 12 o'clock at night until I just got too tired...
                    It had been a long day for me!

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

  The coyote accompanied me for over half an hour.
Whenever I stopped, he disappeared into the bush. But I was lucky, he was so curious about what I was doing with my bags that I managed to get a photo after all! It's really difficult to take photos on a trike because I always have to open my pannier to get the camera, unfortunately a handlebar bag like on normal bikes doesn't work on a trike, really shameful...

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Wooden bridge over the Aishihik River


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

    Why do steep climbs always look so harmless in pictures?


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The hard shoulder is not as nice as it looks, because it is more like chippings or fine gravel... 


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

  I'm getting closer and closer to the mountains near Haines Junction.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

     Up and down again and again...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

Finally arrived in Haines Junction after three days!


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

The campground here is not great, but expensive, 20 $ with a shower. But I had to take a hot shower and wash my sweaty clothes.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

But the view from my tent was priceless....


Continue with: 

Haines Junction - Burwash Landing


Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!
Expedition in the USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...