
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Denali Park - Denali Hwy

 July 3, 2009
Tried to update the website, but unfortunately the internet speeds in Denali Park were extremely slow. I will try again after the Denali Hwy.
We started towards Denali Hwy around 1:30pm.
The first climb came immediately after leaving the park. We drove all day in scorching sunshine with temperatures of around 25 degrees Centigrade.
We stopped at a lodge for a drink and suddenly a biker came up to us, it was Kristian Hemken who had just arrived from Argentina on his bike and was on his way to Prudhoe Bay.
A super nice fellow!
We talked about traveling for a few hours. Kristian has pretty much the same views as we do.
He wants to experience and not race like many other bikers....
After saying goodbye to Kristian, we continued our journey to Cantwell.
Once there, we bought two packs of spaghetti at the gas station and had an energy drink and a cup of coffee with a pastry.
Then we finally got onto the Denali Hwy.
The scenery was really great - high mountains and wide open spaces, that's how I know my Alaska.
After about 7km we set up camp.
From our camp site we have a clear view of Mt. Denali, if it appears out of the cloud cover, which we hope ...
Today we covered 54.6 km


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Magnificent nature also outside Denali Park.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Some lodges outside the park are really beautifully situated!


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

We get on well, Ortwin is a great travel partner, it's great fun touring with him!


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Rest at the Creekside Cafe.


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Kristian Hemken comes from South America on his bike, super nice guy!


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The scenery is magnificent...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Wild and untamed nature...


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Bizarre mountain landscape.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Arrived in Cantwell, the turnoff to the Denali Hwy.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Our first camp on the Denali Hwy, unfortunately not as quiet as usual because on July 4th many people are on their way to the Independence Day weekend!  


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Ortwin seems to like it, he enjoys the ride to the full!   

July 4, 2009
The day began at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Ortwin had a nightmare and screamed out loud.
I immediately jumped out of the tent because I thought there was a bear in the camp. Ortwin couldn't remember anything ...
We slept for a long time and didn't set off until 12 o'clock.  The sky was full of smoke. There are bushfires somewhere.
The view of the mountains was obscured. Too bad. The gravel on the Denali Hwy is horrible.
I lost a bottle on a descent and a screw from the brake lever. On a pass just before Brushkana, we got caught in a thunderstorm front and sat under the tarp for an hour.
After that, the weather was fine again. The mosquitoes really got going after the thunderstorm.
We stayed at the campground in Brushkana and met two nice couples from Germany. They invited us in for steaks and beer.
They had already seen us on the highway and captured us on video.  In the morning, we enjoyed a great breakfast with them.
Thanks and best wishes to Olaf, Bettina, Max, Axel and Bärbel from Menteroda.
Today we drove 45km.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

In the evening, the air was still clear...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The first signs of the fires were already appearing on the horizon...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Now it's getting serious, our bikes have to prove what they can do and withstand!  


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The slope got worse and worse...


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

More and more loose gravel, amazing how well the Schwalbe Big Apple tires ride on such surfaces!


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Always little beauties at the edge of the slopes!  

Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier



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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

A short break...


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© Copyright by Ch. Breier

More and more smoke from the fires rises, breathing becomes more difficult...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

We fill up our water supply at every small river.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Of course, we filter our water so that we don't catch the Beaver Fever, even if filtering with the hand filter takes half an eternity! 


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Due to the many climbs, heat and dry air, our water consumption is enormous...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Again and again we are rewarded with beautiful views of the hilltops...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

A sudden thunderstorm...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

It forces us to go to the emergency camp.I can tell you the mosquitoes were almost unbearable!  

 July 5, 2009
After a great breakfast, the jolting on the gravel road continued.
There were a lot of climbs on our route today.  The sun was beating down all day.  We burned 5000 calories on the 700 meters of altitude and 59 km.
We crossed the Susitna River at around 9 pm. The smoke covered the sky on all sides.
The mosquitoes are extremely annoying today.  Totally exhausted, we pitched our tents right next to the highway at 11pm. Ortlieb completed his first shooting exercise with the 357 Magnum.


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The smoke from the fires gets thicker and thicker...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

And the slope gets worse and worse...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

You would actually see the glaciers in the background here...


Liegerad / Recumbent-Tricycle - Tour

© Copyright by Ch. Breier

With my cold, I find it harder and harder to breathe, because the smoke is getting thicker and thicker...


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Ortwin's backside is completely bitten by mosquitoes, that was the revenge for not using Ballistol Bite-Free once...


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

From then on he never forgot it and was able to laugh again!


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

We have to concentrate like hell on the descents, because there are more and more deep potholes, which the Pirol trike irons out with its extremely good suspension ...


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Finally, we can see at least some mountains !



© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Our water consumption is enormous due to the heat and the dry air...


The Pirol Trike is first class!
I have ridden into really deep potholes countless times at full speed.
The Pirol Trike didn't mind, the suspension and workmanship of the trike is first class!   



© Copyright by Ch. Breier

I have lost an enormous amount of weight/fat
( over 20 kg ! )
I have hardly any body fat left, I haven't been this fit for years....


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

As a reward for all our exertions, we treat ourselves to a cold Kola in a bar/lodge!


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

It's a pity that everything is still full of bushfires !


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

It goes across the Susitna River.


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Absolutely exhausted, we set up camp next to the road!

 July 6, 2009
The heat drove us out of our tents. 36 degrees inside, 29 degrees outside.
After 3 km the first stop at the Alpine Creek Lodge. Delicious apple pie and coffee till we dropped.
When we wanted to pay, we were told: You're invited. Thanks to
Lots of climbs on the way again today. The sky is still full of smoke.
The fires are in Talkeetna and in Denali Park. We arrived at McLaren Lodge on the Maclaren River www.maclarenlodge.com around 9pm.
After dinner, we pitched our tents there. Today we covered 48 km.   


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

The www.alpinecreeklodge.com is currently under construction. Thanks for the Cake, Coffee and your great northern hospitality !


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

It's hot, and the smoke makes breathing difficult!


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Lodge on the Maclaren River, www.maclarenlodge.com


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Also very cozy inside.  


© Copyright by Ch. Breier

Bridge over the Maclaren River .

 July 7, 2009
Today was a rest day. Today was wash and shower day. After 4 days on the dusty highway, it felt good and was a relief from our stench for the rest of humanity....  



As of today, I will no longer be using the Sigma ROX 9 bike computer as it only records incorrect data.
I had already wondered why it had recorded so few altitude meters on the first 1000 km of my trip.
Now I know why!
It's the biggest piece of junk I've ever seen on a bike computer!
For the high purchase price, it is outrageous to sell such a piece of junk!



 Weiter mit: Denali HWY - Gulkana 

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Expedition in the USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...