
Be a Traveler, Not a Tourist !

Slaven Cabin - Circle

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Finally we go on ! Two days in the same place and I feel so itchy, I have to go on...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Devils Thump


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 We try to ride up one of the small tributaries, but after a short time there was no progress, it became too shallow ! Loui was the only one who had the desire of the whole other team to go on such side-trips...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The Takoma Bluff, one of the most beautiful rock formations on the Yukon River !


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Unfortunately this year the sand island opposite the rocks was under water because of the high water, I would have liked to set up the camp there again, nevertheless beautiful that we have seen the rocks...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Our camp shortly before Circle

Unfortunately, at this point at the latest, it was clear that we would have to end the tour soon. The two women in the team  brought such a poor mood in the team that there was no other solution than to end the tour in Fort Yukon!


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The grave of the Indian Chief Shahnyaati . He died in 1892 and was said to have had 20 wives and 100 children. Shortly before his death he said to to his wife, when I die you will see a rainbow, bury me in this place. So it happened. Until today the people here have great respect for the chief, his grave has been repaired again and again. In the old days the paddle steamer captains always blown the ship's horn to greet the Chief!

Unfortunately we had to see that the people did not prepare his grave any more, from the river it was hardly to be seen...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Loui and I crawled up the slope and we repaired the grave. Again Loui was the only one who helped me...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 This is how the grave should always be seen from the river

Rest in Peace Chief 



Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

The grave can now be seen from the river again!  

I hope the people from Circle will take care of the grave again in the future and if not and you come by then please straighten it up, good Karma is sure for you ....


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 The first fishwheel we saw this year...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 Nothing's changed in Circle, I'm afraid. The Lodge is decaying more and more, the coffee shop is closed and it's also very desolate otherwise, somehow I don't understand the people. They have all the opportunities, but they don't use them ...


Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

Yukon River © Copyright by Ch. Breier

 After a few hours we headed into the Yukon Flats !   

   Continue with:
Circle Fort Yukon


Only those who risk going too far, will discover how far they can go!

Expedition in USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia with folding boat, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, bicycle ...